
How to use android studio listview
How to use android studio listview

By setting the height and width of a top-level UI element to be match_parent , we are telling Android to make this UI element take up the entire screen, which is exactly what we want our ListView to do. The above code will create a ListView for us and give it some properties. We can replace the entire contents of the file with just the following code snippet: First, we’ll need open up the Activity’s layout file in res/layout. We won’t need too much code to get our ListView working. We’ll just need an empty activity and we’ll leave the default names as is. We can give any package name we want and select Android 6.0 Marshmallow as our minimum SDK version. Let’s start up Android Studio and create a new project titled ListViewDemo. For our purposes, a plain old ListView will suffice. With great power comes great responsibility!Īll of source code for this project is in a ZIP file here.

how to use android studio listview

However, with this greater control, we have to implement many things ourselves, such as a custom adapter, item layout, and view holder. It allows developers to have greater power and control over the presentation of data and makes things like animations easier to do.

how to use android studio listview

To summarize, a RecyclerView is more generic version of a GridView and ListView. Note: While Android now has a much more generic RecyclerView, since our task is going to be fairly simple, we’ll stick to the ListView so we don’t have to deal with the additional complexities of the RecyclerView. In this post, we’ll be creating a simple app that presents a list showing all of the countries of the world. We can choose any kind of data as input and display it however we want. We can use ListViews to present data in the form of a list. Hello World! In this post, we’re going to learn how to use one of the most useful views in Android: the ListView.

How to use android studio listview